About us

After more than 30 years of friendship, including 7 years of land searching, dealing with bureaucratic hurdles and pursuing a shared dream, the Atlantic Forest Association was established. We are three Brazilian women who is dedicating their time and applying their unique set of skills to preserve a segment of the Atlantic Forest and generate knowledge that can accelerate reforestation in fragmented areas. 

Elisa Yokota

Co-Founder & Director 

Elisa has 20 years of experience in corporate marketing, business development and as an entrepreneur, working for global corporations such as AOL Time Warner, American Express, The Nature Conservancy in Brazil, US and Europe. In recent years, she became close with the various indigenous groups from the Amazon, Xingu and Guarani Mbya, has dived into permaculture and bioconstruction, and is eager to bring native knowledge and ecopedagogic initiatives through the School of Nature and Playground in Nature projects.

Camila Quinonez, PhD

Co-Founder & Vice Director 

Biochemist by training, Camila has experience working with a range of microorganisms in areas such as drug discovery, structural biology, molecular biology and synthetic biology. After completing her PhD in Biochemistry, she has worked for one and a half years at a vegan, green biotech start up company. Her goal is to apply her scientific mindset to research the Atlantic Forest ecosystem and biodiversity and turn this knowledge into conservation strategies and reforestation accelerator programmes.


Claudia Quinonez


Claudia combines her passion for nature and the environment with 20+ years of experience in financial services, news automation, data modelling and driving innovation. She has an executive master in Strategies and Innovation by University of Oxford and was recently awarded a master degree in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence by Northeastern University London (NCH). Her goal is to apply her data-centric mindset to support data-driven conservation strategies and multiple efforts.

What we are looking for…

The Association has open doors to anyone willing to join forces and help us with day-to-day tasks. 

We are also looking for investors, partners, collaborators to support our dream and help expand our ambitious goals. We have a growing number of exciting projects and multiple forms of engagement.

Get in touch!

If you want to know more, please send us an email!

You can also directly reach out to us through our Linkedin or through our Instagram account!

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