Playground in Nature

Using ecopedagogic approaches

Get Started


Our goal is to forge partnerships with schools in São Paulo, allowing students to spend an educational immersion in the Atlantic Forest. This is an opportunity for urban children to play in nature, and learn about biodiversity and the importance of preserving nature to our lives.

With ecological approaches and environmental awareness, the young minds are going to learn about and have the opportunity to explore nature with different lenses: the ecological worldview.  

Learning from nature

Teach about biodiversity,  

Susteinable practices

Teach a mutualistic relationship between humans and the planet.

Having fun with nature

Kids are encouraged to leave their gadgets to be able to fully appreciate their surroundings.

In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught. 

Baba Dioum, 1968

Nature nurtures children

There are a number of studies demonstrating that children’s overall wellbeing such as focus, enjoyment and attention increased after spending time with nature. With technology and modernisation, the lifestyle in the 20th century is deeply correlated with spending more time indoors. The Playground in Nature project allow kids to have outdoor experiences and reconnect with nature and themselves!



The students have an opportunity to learn about native and endemic trees, plants and fruits, and see them in their natural habitats.


The students have an opportunity to learn about native and endemic species, their relationship with the environment and their habits.


The students are encouraged to draw and paint what they have seen. This helps consolidate the experience and learnings.

Critical Thinking

We run activities that are designed for the kids to explore different situtations, developing their critical thinking skills.

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